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Why Small Solar Businesses Miss Out on Installs.

October 24, 20232 min read

Welcome to the dazzling world of solar energy, where innovation meets sustainability, and the future looks brighter than ever! Yet, amidst this radiant landscape, there lies a perplexing challenge: Why do salespeople in this thriving industry often let golden leads slip through their fingers? Let's dive in and uncover this mystery, shall we? ~ Caroline Douthwaite

🚀 The High Stakes Solar Chase: A Rollercoaster of Ups and Downs 

1. The Intensity of the Initial Rush: 
In the solar industry, the initial inquiry rush can be overwhelming. Salespeople find themselves swamped with inquiries, leading to a chaotic jumble of priorities. "Which lead to chase first?" becomes a daily conundrum. 

2. The Technical Tango: 
Solar sales aren't a walk in the park. They require a deep understanding of technical specifications, governmental policies, and financial incentives. Sometimes, the complexity can be daunting, leading to hesitation in follow-ups. 


⏲️ Time: The Friend and Foe 

1. The Race Against Time: 
The solar industry is fast-paced and ever-evolving. Leads are hot one moment and cold the next. Salespeople, caught in the whirlwind, might lose track of time, missing the crucial window for follow-up. 

2. The Long Sales Cycle: 
Solar installations are significant investments. This means longer decision-making processes for clients and, consequently, extended sales cycles for salespeople. Patience wears thin, and follow-ups may dwindle. 


📈 The Numbers Game: A Balancing Act 

1. The Overwhelming Volume: 
With the booming solar market, the volume of inquiries can be staggering. Salespeople may find themselves spread too thin, inadvertently neglecting leads that don't immediately scream 'potential.' 

2. The Qualification Quandary: 
Not all leads are created equal. The challenge lies in effectively qualifying leads to determine which ones are worth the chase. This crucial step can sometimes be overlooked, leading to missed opportunities. 


💡 Illuminate the Path Forward with Snowball Assets! 

Fear not, solar warriors! The solution to these challenges is at hand. Snowball Assets is your strategic ally, ready to revolutionize your approach to sales and lead management. 

1. Expertise and Efficiency: 
With a stellar track record of helping over 50 solar businesses in Australia double and triple their revenue, we know the ins and outs of the solar sales maze. 

2. Tailored Strategies for Success: 
We provide customized solutions, ensuring that no lead is left behind and every follow-up opportunity is seized with precision and purpose. 


The solar industry is ripe with potential, and the opportunities are endless. However, it takes more than just passion to navigate the intricate dance of sales and follow-ups. With Snowball Assets by your side, transform challenges into victories, missed follow-ups into successful closures, and potential into profit. 

Join us on this exhilarating journey to unlock the full potential of your solar business, one successful follow-up at a time! 🌞🚀✨ 

Ready to skyrocket your revenue and master the art of follow-up? Connect with Snowball Assets today, and let’s illuminate the path to success together! 

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Caroline Douthwaite

Caroline Douthwaite founder of Snowball Assets.

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